Summer Pool Safety

Summer Pool Safety

In the summertime, your backyard pool is likely a joy that your whole family looks forward to. From cookouts to pool parties, it’s a focal point of summer activity, and a popular place for friends to gather when the sun shines.

Having a pool may make yours the most popular backyard on the block, but with that comes a great deal of responsibility. Ensuring that your family and friends are safe while enjoying their summer fun is paramount. It only takes a second for a child to drown.

While your best defense is to never leave your pool unattended, there are plenty of safety measures you can take, and pool safety equipment should always be kept on hand to ensure you are prepared for anything.

Keep in mind that drowning is the number one cause of accidental death in children under the age of 5, and that no child should ever be in the water unattended. Even if they are only in the shallow end, an adult should always be within arm’s length. No matter what a child’s age or level of ability in the pool, they should always be equipped with floatation devices such as life vests. Swim aids such as “floaties” – or inflatable arm-bands – are just not adequate enough as a protective measure.

Essential swimming pool safety tips

  • Never, under any circumstances leave a child alone in or in proximity to a pool or hot tub
  • Adults in charge of children in a pool should know CPR and be able to perform it on a child if needed
  • Enclose your pool with a fence on all sides, and ensure that your gate latches are high enough that a child can’t access them

Essential swimming pool safety equipment

LINE2EMS is your summer safety headquarters. For the ultimate in pool safety, equip yourself with these essential pool safety aids:

LINE2EMS CPR Rescue Mask has a one-way valve that helps to protect the rescuer from the drowning victim’s bodily fluids during CPR. It can be used to deliver breaths just like mouth-to-mouth without the rescuer having direct contact with the victim’s face. LINE2EMS also carries CPR shield barrier masks with full instructions clearly printed on the device. Both of these devices are appropriate for use on both adults and children, and could help you save a life.

LINE2EMS CPR Rescue Board is a form-fit anatomically contoured board that makes delivering CPR more effective, helping to position the victim quickly so that they can receive the help they need. It also helps when moving or lifting a patient during rescue.

A LINE2EMS spineboard is also a great thing to have on hand, just in case you need to immobilize somebody while they are in the water.

Having a well-equipped first aid kit is imperative. Keep your first aid kit handy to the pool, and make sure it’s topped up with all of the supplies you might need. To address any possible first aid situation, choose a first aid kit that is stocked for all emergencies.

LINE2design Emergency First Responder Kit and Deluxe Emergency First Aid Fanny Pack first aid kits are equipped with CPR rescue masks and a comprehensive inventory of first aid needs. If you deplete any of the supplies, simply reorder and replenish.

More summer pool safety tips:

  • Keep multiple life vests handy in a range of sizes sufficient for any age child
  • Keep a life hook, float ropes and float rings close by and handy at all times
  • Caution your guests and children not to swallow pool water
  • Stay out of the swimming pool if you are sick

Enjoy summer fun in your backyard pool and stay safe with LINE2EMS

Summer fun by the pool is something everyone looks forward to – we at LINE2EMS are no exception! However, being safe, alert and prepared for any peril will help you to enjoy your pool even more. Learn CPR, and keep this article handy when you shop for pool safety equipment and supplies– it’s your key to a safe and enjoyable summer!